Sundays at FBC

What to Expect… 


  • We have a parking lot south of the church building with an entrance on Cypress Avenue. If the lot is full, the next best places to park would be street parking in the neighborhood or in the San Bruno City Park lot, right across the street (enter from Crystal Springs Road).

  • We would encourage you to come early and join us for a time of coffee and fellowship from 10:15-40am in the cafe (enter through the gym doors on Crystal Springs Road). Our church family is growing but we are not a large congregation. Our average attendance is 75 people in the Sunday Worship Service so if you choose to arrive right on time (or even a little late) there should still be plenty of seats available for you!

  • There is no formal dress code at FBC. Regular attenders usually dress in a range from casual to “Sunday best”. Our emphasis is not on what you wear but who you are and how you can grow in your knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

  • Families are encouraged to sit together during the Worship Service. After the opening announcements and singing, the children are dismissed and escorted by their teachers to the Children’s Church Class (Kindergarten-5th grade). If your child is nursery age, you will walk them to the nursery at this time and sign them in with the teachers. After the service ends, please promptly make your way to pick up your child from their class. There is also a cry room at the back of the auditorium (off the lobby) for parents to use as they need.

  • Giving at FBC San Bruno is part of our worship to the Lord. An offering box is located on the back wall of the auditorium or you can give online by going to our “Give” page. As a visitor, please do not feel obligated to give.

  • If you have a Bible, we encourage you to bring it with you. If not, we have Bibles available in the pew racks for you to use and to keep if you need one.

  • You can learn more about FBC San Bruno by asking one of the greeters on Sunday morning to connect you with one of the church staff members. You can also reach out to our staff directly by going to our website’s “Our Staff” page.

Want to get connected at FBC San Bruno? Click the Get Connected button to email our office and we will get back to you soon.