Sunday Worship Service

 10:45am-12:15pm | Auditorium (enter through the front doors Crystal Springs Ave)

At 10:45am on Sunday mornings we gather as the people of God to worship corporately as followers of Jesus Christ. We are called to be different as the church of God, and desire our worship to glorify God and not man.

If you are a follower of Christ looking for a church family, we would love to have you join us. If you are not a follower of Christ, but interested to hear more about what it would be like to have a relationship with the God of the universe, please join us as well!

We also livestream are services on Youtube so feel free to watch online by clicking here.

Worship Together…

In Giving…

We give to God as an act of worship, realizing he owns everything and allows us to be stewards.

In Reading Scripture…

We read and have an extended time of study in the Bible, as we believe:

the Spirit of God works through

the Word of God to change

the People of God to be more like Christ,

the Son of God.

In Singing…

We sing songs that direct our praise and thanks to God.

In Prayer…

We pray, realizing we are dependent upon Him for all things.